Winning | Tampa Boudoir Photographer
last month i attended a live webinar by Sany Puc' on business marketing and management and won her really big book of studio management. My winning twitter quote was a response to describe your perfect day. My perfect day was this: "Running barefoot through lush green grass with my children while having a picnic...and there would def be a water balloon fight involved." I never expected my quote to be a winner, but alas, a jaw dropping moment nonetheless! I even screen shot my winning but the screen shot is just barely legible. Thanks Sandy for the amazing book of everything!
I figured my winning luck would be done at this point. i don't win things as most people don't, but this year, since the birth of my daughter, i am thinking i should start playing the lotto. This brings me to last friday....
Here i am in another one of creativeLIVE's free classes. This time its for Skip Cohen's 2 day marketing workshop. I have the little one napping and my big kid playing his games on his computer next to me. Kenna does her pre show tell everyone how to join in the twitter contest and how to watch the show if you are having issues etc. Poor woman has to say the same things week after week to kick off the show, (of course she does it fantastically.) I here her announce the twitter contest and immediate look to the chat as the chat mods will then link the official link to be used in the tweets, there...copy the link, make sure i am following whomever the teacher is for the day and now The show really begins.
Due to my daughter being asleep and my son behaving an the stars being aligned on friday the 15th, i was able to play the tweet like mad against hundreds of others who are also tweeting like mad men to try and win prizes from camera straps or ebooks to software and in person classes and even a lens on occasion! The first break come and with it hopes of pulling out a win....nothing. Now by this time my daughter is awake in my arms, my son being a mostly good, boy this day and we eat our lunch. can't really tweet now but i am listening and typing one handed in the chat rooms, making typos left and right. My husband calls during the next break, and we chat for a few mins and my daughter starts being dramatic, and i see we are just getting back from break. Kenna is starting to talk about the prizes which i miss completely and i rush the hubby off the phone-hey he needed to get back to work anyway right? I pop te bottle in Breanna's mouth and stare at Kenna as she says, and the winner is....Jessica (my heart flutters...that dam thing called hope will get you every time,) and then she says Jaw pretty much bounces off the floor as she says the rest Twitter handle JMorganImages. IMMEDIATELY the regular CL Junkies as we refer to ourselves go nuts. I am grinnign ear to ear as i take it in that i have just won something. I have not even a clue as to what it is but i am so freaking excited to be a winner, it doesn't matter. I am saying thanks for all the congrats and excitement in the chatrooms and then i have to pause and say....ok what did i win? Of course by this point you want to know too right! It turns out i won the complete suite of NIK software, (a $500 value!) Pretty awesome! Its a software set of plugins for photoshop/lightroom etc that can do cool things to my photos...not entirely positive this is an accurate description since i have no knowledge up until recently of this stuff so i suppose once i get it i will have to post some pictures with before and afters to show you what it can do!
You will see posts about creativeLIVE or them mentioned in my blog for time to time due to them being awesome. If you are a photographer of any level and want to learn, they have a class for you! Just go to and take a gander at the calendar. Join their mailing list so that when you like a class you can sign up, and they will send email reminders for you so you don't forget...and the best part...? Its free!!! You can watch every class for free while the class is going on live. Get active in the chats, share your fan pages with everyone, get advice and answers to your questions LIVE! not only from the people in the chat rooms but you can ask questions for the instructors and get those answers live too. The creativeLIVE crew is pretty amazing. Everyone is super friendly, laid back and very helpful, not to mention extremely talented. The class is available for a $99 purchase during the show through the end of the last day and only $149 anytime after the class has ended, (because you can never catch every thing the first time around.) I am hoping to get out to seattle to hang out with the crew eventually..ya know after the kids are a bit older and i can leave them for a week without anyone having a heart attack LOL. So yeah. check out creativeLIVE if you are looking to learn-at all levels! If you pop in the chats, look for me in there, always under JMorganImages!
Thanks creativeLIVE for my big win, can't wait to get my prizes and start playing!
Shout outs to Nikko, Ian, Russ, LaRae, Kenna and Susan!