A Wedding in 4 Days | Tampa Boudoir Photographer
I got an email on Thursday night about 10pm. It basically said, "Hey! There is a last min wedding i am unable to shoot Saturday, are you able?" I responded inquiring more info, just as he was putting out a message to our photography friends from creativeLIVE. I get the details, and seriously debated calling the potential clients at 10:30pm and realized...ITS 10:30 at night! i resisted to the urge to call and relieve them of the stress and waited until the morning.
I spoke with Rosemary and she hired me as she was getting ready to leave for the plane to come down for the wedding that was on Saturday! Of course i was super excited, but oh crap...it was in 1 day. Making checklists, charging batteries, getting backup plans in place. I hadn't met any of these people, what if they hate my work, what if, what if, what if....? I decided right then, that, i wasn't about to let myself sit and think negatively. I decided that i was going to go, do a great job, have fun and potentially make some friends while i am at it. I assure you that is what i did.
Now, a wedding in 4 days, you may expect to see some flowers a last min bought dress, a lot of stressed out faces and scattered running around, but instead i arrived to two adorable children fighting over who would unlock and open the door for me, only to find they were both unable and called for assistance. I arrived to find level headed not stressing (too badly,) family that had everything already decorated tastefully and with style. Everything flowed naturally and the time went pretty smoothly, at least for them! They hadn't the slightest clue but i had a migraine that was trying to make my head explode the whole time, and one of my lenses decided it was going to not work for 1/2 of the time! No worries though, i have more than one and the show must go on! Despite that, splinters in my foot on the dock, and a very stubborn ring bearer, i'd say the day was a complete success.
It was a lot of fun, i met some really great people and got to shoot a beautiful bride next to a lake...you really can't ask for much more than that. ESPECIALLY, being booked last min! SO, here is the ONE sneak peek, until i am done editing and after the bride and her family gets to see them!