October 3rd.

October 3rd.

9:55am October 3rd 2008, we welcomed him into the world for the first time. Named after Derek Jeter, his father would accept no other name, and now I realize, no other name would have been as perfect. Today, my son turns 6. So very blessed to have such a smart, creative and strong boy. Feisty like myself and so very smart like his Father, I can not believe what a little man he is becoming. Today we eat cake and open gifts. His obsession with legos is unmatched currently so of course, he will find himself unwrapping a few sets from us which will be built promptly upon opening. (Like you can get legos and not build them right away!) They will also get destroyed slowly over the course of 3 days as usual. Then his imagination full of new ideas will get to build whatever cool flying/swimming/riding vehicle or cage/house/jail that his sweet little heart desires. 

We take the celebration to Disney tomorrow and I can not wait to see his eyes light up with excitement. There will surely be pictures of our first family trip to disney, so I expect each of you to come back next week and relive our adventure. It is going to be a birthday for him to remember always I am sure. 

In the meantime....

2014 Boudoir Marathon!

2014 Boudoir Marathon!

Why Do you Want To Meet Me?

Why Do you Want To Meet Me?