Derek's Dream World

Derek's Dream World

I recently realized my love for clouds. It was always there, the facination, but i never thought anything about it. In my art, clouds come into play often. Well clouds and dreams go hand and hand in my mind, and as you know from last week, I made an image of my daughter-so I most certainly couldn't leave out my most favorite Little (big) boy in the world, my son. With a couple of attempts at getting him to pose for me, and few gray hairs later plus a couple more days, I present Derek's Dream World. He helped pick out things (like the grass,) and where certain things should go as i masked and re masked, and changed my clouds 20 times before picking something I liked. I also went with some deviant art stock images again, choosing clouds from the same artist as I used in Bre's art piece to keep them similar...more or less. These were made simply for fun purpose, and they are certainly not perfect in any professionals eyes, (i know my flaws here folks,) but they are for us, and they are so much fun.

This image is a combination of a bunch of his favorite things. Legos in general, but that aircraft ship thing Daddy built with him, he loves sharks and dinosaurs and harry potter (thats what the owl represents,) he wanted me to put actual Harry potter in with him, but I told him Daniel Radcliff aka Harry, wasn't available for a photo shoot currently, and explained how you can't just take pictures from google or anywhere and use them. Yes that's right folks, teaching my kids early about intellectual property and even using an image from google is not really okay without permission from the creator. The red turtle is from the fair and has for some reason become his favorite stuffed toy. I wouldn't have had grass in there, but since it was requested...i did it. Of course there is a frog because of his love for those guys and his insane ability to be able to catch them. Hope you enjoyed the peek into my son's very busy and very active mind. 

If you could put something like this together for your children, or if you had me make custom art for your family, what would be in their dreams, what would you have me create for you? Sound off in the comments below! 

Where to Print my Photos

Where to Print my Photos

Sweet Dreams a Fantasy Portrait

Sweet Dreams a Fantasy Portrait