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How Old Do I have to Be for a Boudoir Photo shoot?

Here is a question that isn't in the FAQ section because we don't hear it that often, but I hear colleagues of mine get asked it often enough to officially address it. How old does one have to be, to be photographed in boudoir style, or How old is  "too old" to do a boudoir photo shoot? 

Do I Have To Be 18?

Here at J Morgan Images, you must be at least 18 with a valid state ID to be photographed in boudoir style. Why is your follow up question i am sure, and that is because of the intimate nature that goes hand and hand with boudoir. Bras, panties and partial/full on nudity and anyone younger than 18 should never mix with a camera no matter who is behind it. Of course that is J Morgan Images personal beliefs and policy and is not a standard all businesses will follow. Even with parental consent, we not photograph you in this style ladies, We will however, LOVE to set you up with a glamour style session, where you get all the beautiful styling of a professional hair and make up artist, bring in some amazing dresses or choose from our own stuff and have a wonderful day dressing up and having a ball. Bring some girlfriends and lets make an entire girls day out! 

I'm too OLD to do that! 

No. You. Are. NOT! There is no age limit. Celebrate your 25th or your 100th birthday by stripping down and making a statement about how much love you still have for yourself! Be proud of who you are, what you have accomplished and everything you have over come. Every journey, and every age (over 18 that is) is welcome to have a  boudoir photo shoot. Keep as much on or take as much off as you want. When we meet for coffee, you'll hear my awesome joke (laugh even though you know it is coming,) I will photograph you in whatever makes you feel sexy-even if it is a snowsuit! We will make it work.