A Beginner Blog Launched
Hey! I am so excited to finally reveal, officially, that my site www.jessicaedler.com has launched. It will provide some easy answers for beginners. Starting with simple definitions and places to find free or low cost education. Helpful and easy to follow posts for those interested in learning to take a better photograph and understand how things work to get that better image so you can get more than a random good one here and there.
I started this because well, i owned the domain name and didn't know what to do with it. After i started the 101 Photo Basics group on facebook, and started just offering help, i realized that no matter how many people are out there helping, there is still a demand for more knowledge. The group is open to everyone who wants to learn, all levels are welcome. Seriously, all levels are in there. From just picked up a camera yesterday to seasoned pros who have been around for years and years. It's a great group and i encourage you to participate with us. With just about a thousand members, someone will have an answer for you!
I hope as you go look through the new site, that you enjoy the galleries that are up. You will notice it is only fine art work that has been published. It is my online portfolio of sorts. Thanks for joining in and i hope you learn something-or can reach out to someone who wants to learn.
If we help and encourage others to grow, then they will bloom.