All in photographer

Where to Print my Photos

a frequently asked question is: Where should I get my images printed, or what are the best lab to use for printing pictures? We frequently respond with the same answers and it occurred to me, that a lot of the places we choose are specifically for businesses, not consumers and hobbyists. So let me go ahead and give you a list of labs that either I do use or have used and/or have heard good things about for both professionals and for the hobbyists! 

The Back Story Of JMI &Your Boudoir Photographer

Learning a camera is like riding a bike right? psssh, no. Who knew that you could choose to shoot RAW or jpeg, or both for that matter! Wait a minute, ISO is in the camera and i don't have to buy special film for it. Ok, so editing is done in the lightroom-where did the darkroom go? When it has been that long since you have set your attention to something, and it has changed that drastically, it is an insane amount of new old information you have to learn. Not to mention now there are editing programs that you need to learn and all these nifty tools. WHEW! My free time, even to this day, is spent learning and trying out new techniques. Never stop learning.

Tampa Shutter Sisters Photo Challenge

Make any type of image you want. If you are a food Photographer, pet photographer, children photographer or whatever photographer-play to your strengths and have fun! You can post what you come up with below or instagram it up. #ShutterSisters (i'll keep an eye out.) With permission, i'll pull some images created and post them on the next challenge blog! 

There is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, this is solely for fun and to learn and challenge yourselves/each other. All are welcome to grow with us on our challenge journey! 

The Opposite Side of the Camera | My Day as a model

We scoped out the dresses Lucy had fashioned, and went over the make up concepts and my heart kind of fluttered and the same time i was nervous. Having the camera(s) pointed at me in all seriousness was something new. I like a challenge though, so bring it on. I was in hair and makeup for 2 hours including the fancy airbrushing and hair skills of B. Moore Artistry then we drove with very dark clouds looming overhead to New college, and i sowre it was going to start downpouring the entire way there. It drizzled a bit and then simply went away leaving a perfectly cloudy sky. 

Plagiarism in the Photography World


It is such a sad day when a creative person, has to steal things from other people to be....creative! These people, these known names are validating all the thieves out there by doing the same thing that if it were to happen to them, they would publicly go after the person taking from them. Of course she issued another apology, but when you are apologizing for the same fuck up (pardon my french,) for the second time, it means you didn't learn the first time, and your apology was bullshit. Your words mean nothing now, and your reputation is going down the drain because of it. I wouldn't hire a wedding photographer that i found out to be a thief. How could anyone trust them? I couldn't.