All in emotional

Photographing Take Back the Night

The tables start filling, I began walking around looking at the hundreds of shirts hung all over. Each hand made by a person with a message to other women who have survived, or to those who are in bad situations. Some remembering those who didn't make it out alive....and then it hits me-figuratively-I realize the WHY I needed to be there that day and the tears well in my eyes.

Breanna Grace is Two

You came into this world in a hurry, 3 weeks early actually. The Giants had just won the Superbowl the evening before, and all the excitement from prepping for our Superbowl party and our team winning had me in labor and i hadn't known it until 3 am the next morning. I woke with a pain i recognized immediately and waited. Then another and another, but still i waited. I wanted to make sure this was real contractions and they certainly were. After 14 contractions in less than an hour, i knew it was very much time to get a move on. I woke your daddy and while he thought it wasn't rush time at first, i assured him i was overdue to be at the hospital and we hustled! Luckily the hospital was only 5 mins from the house and he dropped us off first-then went and dropped your brother off for a long early play date at our friends house while you came into the world. 

Why Are all the Santas Different? and other Santa Questions.

So its way into holiday time...actually only 2 days until Christmas that i write this. My kids are watching their morning cartoons, i am trying to wake up, and across my facebook newsfeed i read about a friend who's daughter asked her Why all the Santas she sees are different. I thought the blog would be a good place to answer this honest and oh so innocent question. 

Maternity Boudoir

A woman is beautiful not because of a face shape or eye color, she is beautiful because she is a powerful entity and is completely unique. A pregnant woman, nurturing a life within, is one of the most magical and beautiful things to behold. She symbolizes strength, love and life. A pregnant woman is sexy on a whole new level, and should have that time in her life proudly on display always.