Its that time again ladies! The holidays are upon us, and its time to get thinking about what you are giving to your parnter. It could be something nice, or it could be something naught...but why not the best of both worlds?
Its that time again ladies! The holidays are upon us, and its time to get thinking about what you are giving to your parnter. It could be something nice, or it could be something naught...but why not the best of both worlds?
9:55am October 3rd, 2008, we welcomed him into the world for the first time. Today, my son turns 6. So very blessed to have such a smart, creative and strong boy.
So you sent an email, or called me to find out more about pricing and about your session. I respond with some information and some questions for you so I can get to know you. I will also ask to meet up with you or set up a skype/google hangout or virtual meeting of some sort. I have on occasion been asked, Why?
The energy was a mix of, "OMG i'm so tired" to "AHHH! I can't believe this is happening already!" to, "Foooood!" Neither the flower girl nor the ring bearer were...
Jessica and Adam made for a beautiful bride and groom on this very hot, but still gorgeous Peach themed wedding shoot!
Here is a question that isn't in the FAQ section because we don't hear it that often, but I hear colleagues of mine get asked it often enough to officially address it. How old does one have to be, to be photographed in boudoir style, or How old is "too old" to do a boudoir photo shoot?
a frequently asked question is: Where should I get my images printed, or what are the best lab to use for printing pictures? We frequently respond with the same answers and it occurred to me, that a lot of the places we choose are specifically for businesses, not consumers and hobbyists. So let me go ahead and give you a list of labs that either I do use or have used and/or have heard good things about for both professionals and for the hobbyists!
as you know from last week, I made an image of my daughter-so I most certainly couldn't leave out my most favorite Little (big) boy in the world, my son. With a couple of attempts at getting him to pose for me, and few gray hairs later plus a couple more days, I present Derek's Dream World. He helped pick out things (like the grass,) and where certain things should go as i masked and re masked, and changed my clouds 20 times before picking something I liked. I also went with some deviant art stock images again, choosing clouds from the same artist as I used in Bre's art piece to keep them similar...more or less. These were made simply for fun purpose, and they are certainly not perfect in any professionals eyes, (i know my flaws here folks,) but they are for us, and they are so much fun.
Today I present you a fun piece I created for my daughter over the weekend. I took the original image while she was "illegally" napping (she skipped original nap time and was trying to nap at 4pm-that is a no no here,) it wasn't a fantastic picture to start with but she was so cute cuddling her lamby. Total mom snapshot moment for me. This weekend i rediscovered deviant art and decided to see what there was that i could play with. Well of course i found tons, and as my mind wandered, i found plenty to create what i was envisioning. Not to mention, I have wanted to see what i could create using images from others for a while.
The cool thing about creating a backdrop, a background of sort, is that it really can be anything you want. Just remember to pull your subject away from it to create separation and really make them the focal point.
Learning a camera is like riding a bike right? psssh, no. Who knew that you could choose to shoot RAW or jpeg, or both for that matter! Wait a minute, ISO is in the camera and i don't have to buy special film for it. Ok, so editing is done in the lightroom-where did the darkroom go? When it has been that long since you have set your attention to something, and it has changed that drastically, it is an insane amount of new old information you have to learn. Not to mention now there are editing programs that you need to learn and all these nifty tools. WHEW! My free time, even to this day, is spent learning and trying out new techniques. Never stop learning.
As any of you that follow this blog/site etc know, all the women in view are ladies who have given permission to use their images, or at least some of them for online use and advertising. I am forever grateful to every woman who is brave enough and proud enough to give me that privilege. That being said...
What is it, do i have to sign one? What happens if I don't? I hear lots of questions about the infamous model release so it is about time that those questions get answered! A mo
Being a mom means sleepless nights and panic attacks when you hear a loud thud across the house followed by cries. Being a mom means a tough job that doesn't just stop when the dinner bell rings...
Remember when i said i was extra excited to work with this person, and that i would reveal who soon? Here is the reveal! Mrs...
A safe place to be a new photographer. A blog with helpful and EASY lessons.
As mom's we often find ourselves behind the camera instead of in front of it. That can be a real comfort for some, but even if it is only once or twice through out your child's life, you need to make sure you are in front of the camera with them. They think you are perfect the way you are and so do I!
Here's what my day looks like generally: Wake up. No Really, wake up. breakfast, teeth, kids-eat your breakfast. Sit back down! No cartoons, get dressed, brushed teeth. Homework..what day is it? ok, off to school. Don't run around, we are late again. Get in the car. Derek, get. in. the. car! ok, start buckling up while i get Bre settled. shut door, Derek's side-Why aren't you buckled yet?" buckle him, then me. car on, music up-"Mommy, can you put on *insert song of the morning*" sing and laugh. Hope he doesn't fight too much when i drop him off. "don't go!" the mini fight begins, teacher grabs him so i can go. Always a fight. back in car more buckling, more driving, more singing. home. Bre's tv and play time, emails, work list...make list. answer questions. Remember to work on my book. Morning snack for Bre. diaper change. Man i really need to potty train this little chicklet. Ok, retouch work? get started. facebook distraction. work. oh crap, time to pick up Derek. Car, buckling, singing, driving, pick up, chat time, car again, buckles again, more singing. mailbox, lunchtime, Bre has nap time. Derek has game time. work. lightroom, photoshop, facebook, (obviously too much time spent there,) afternoon snack because my kids are 'STARVING!' (always hungry.) what is for dinner-i'll think about that shortly. sit down, work. photoshop. check emails, work. oh no. Dinner, i forgot dinner again....ugh frozen pizza! or raviolis or...ugh. dishes. gotta do the dishes. damn laundry-it never ends! ok Dinner for real. Hubby is home. Eat dinner, stare at the dishes wishing we had a maid and butler at all times. tubby time, brush teeth, kisses and hugs, it's 7-Bre's bedtime. Begin 20 min game of get out of bed and call to mommy until she comes back in for more cuddles. Repeat 1-3 times. Whew, breath. Derek's bedtime-who's night to read? ok, kids asleep...relax. Just kidding. Dishes. work. work. oh look a facebook notification...stupid distractions., work. cookie break. Back to work. ok, what time is it? oh crap midnight-i should go to bed...just edit one more...dammit 1am, how'd that happen. Bre's up-tuck back into bed. kiss on the forehead-goodnight.
Just scanning the results in the google, you will find a plethora of versions of the same phrase above. Simple and stating the same thing. For me, though, it is more than that.
For me, photography is a journey, an experience and a new way to see the world. It is a way of life and how one can explain things when words just aren't working. It opens up the realm of possibility and allows you to create from your heart as well as imagination. If you can dream it-you certainly can do it, you just have to be willing to learn the way to get the result.